WPS-Designer GPS brings reliability, performance and simplicity to assist and support the exploration of alternatives that will help you increase your productivity and reduce your welding cost operations. The features below illustrate why WPS-Designer GPS is the best choice for Inspectors, Welding Engineers, QA Managers and personnel involved with the design and analysis of WPS / PQR.

Weld Metal Calculator

WPS-Designer GPS provides instant information on the required amount of weld metal to fill the joint, allowing the user to optimize joint details. This information facilitates the exploration of welding procedures that require the least amount of weld metal and the minimum welding time.

Heat Input Control

Feedback on travel speed and heat input for each pass. A report is generated with information on maximum / minimum heat input to facilitate the review and approval of WPSs requiring heat input control.

Compare Joints

The Compare Joints feature allows you to optimize joint details by comparing the required amount of weld metal to fill the joint for two different types of joints. For example, user can compare a single V joint against a Single U joint or the same joint with different root opening / groove angle. This information facilitates the exploration of welding procedures that require the least amount of weld metal and the minimum welding time.

Prequalified Joints

User can select prequalified PJP / CJP groove welds based on welding process, joint type, penetration, and joint accessibility. WPS-Designer GPS displays information related with groove preparation, tolerances, allowed welding positions, thickness limitations, and other technical requirements. WPS-Designer GPS also allows you to use non-standar joints to explore alternatives and find practical solutions.

Special Joints

Non-Standard joints used for column splicing, control of distortion, pipe welding, and other industry applications. User can explore and find more economical practical solutions. Special joints can also be used to qualify joint design that does not meet prequalified status.

GPS Advisor

GPS Advisor provides information relevant to the task involved. The information is based on code requirements and industry practices. For non-specific situations default values are provided. References to AWS D1.1 / AWS D1.5 requirements.

Weld Cost Estimating

WPS-Designer GPS helps you maximize productivity and reduce welding costs by supporting and facilitating the exploration of more competitive welding procedures; welding procedures that require the least amount of weld metal and the minimum welding time.


As a user of WPS-Designer GPS, you can restructure your conceptual understanding of the design and analysis of Welding Procedures Specifications and Procedure Qualification Records.

WPS-Designer GPS uses as reference the latest AWS D1.1 / AWS D1.5 welding codes, welding engineering concepts, and industry practices to help you to develop the right WPS/ PQR.


For specific information about WPS-Designer GPS features, free trial or live demo request, please contact us: 954-232 1799.

We strongly encourage you to contact us to discuss the technical features, advantages, and limitations of our software.